Agnes started the fun by taking the boys to the zoo. For this visit, they spent the majority of the time at the "Once Upon a Farm" area that showcases farm animals such as cows and chickens. Andrew likes looking at all the animals, but Noah is content to watch all the people and basically just chill out in his stroller.
The warm weather also motivated us to try out both kids in the double stroller that also can be pulled by a bicycle. Andrew was enthusiastic, Noah...not so much.
Although it looks like he is being severely traumatized, he was just a little tired after a very long, eventful day. This pain was nothing that putting on jammies and playing with Legos couldn't assuage. Andrew planned on putting together his new Lego fire truck set he got for his birthday and Noah, apparently wanted to help. Although Noah is perfectly wonderful, he does not make for a very good Lego wing man at this age. Andrew brilliantly set him up with some decoy Legos on the other side of the room. Also, yes those are Noah's Christmas pajama bottoms. They fit and they're don't judge.
Saturday we had work to do, and what better way to fortify your children, than with delicious, sugary, deep fried dough. So, after carbing up at the doughnut store, we set out to achieve our two main goals for the day. Clean Agnes's car, which Noah supervised, and get a load of dirt to fill in some problem areas in the yard. I have to say, I am very proud of Andrew. He worked until every shovel full of dirt was out of the truck. Which is saying something, considering he was using an Andrew sized shovel.
Since we had all worked so hard, we decided to load up the double stroller and go for a walk that would end at the park. The doughnuts from that morning, however, weren't enough. The boys didn't make it to the park.
After a very restful nights sleep, we decided to see what effect all this warm weather had on our botanical garden. We were not disappointed. Flowers were already blooming and koi in the Japanese garden were so excited by their warming waters, they even obliged to being petted. Notice my bid for Father of the Year, with the strategic placement of my foot to keep Andrew from falling in.
Although it is a huge offense to remove flowers from the botanic garden, Andrew's Nana has led him to believe that all daffodils are grown for his pleasure. So, Andrew did the unthinkable...he picked a flower; right out of the ground; in front of a couple taking wedding photos.
It will now hold a place of honor for the next couple of days in a drinking glass on the counter. Because nothing smells sweeter than contraband daffodils.
Sweet overalls!!! Are those a recent purchase or a leftover from middle school?
ReplyDeleteSadly, I've reached the point where I prefer function over fashion. Although ghastly, overalls are ridiculously handy when attempting manual labor.